We love Mexican food so much, we usually have some form of it one night a week. From tacos, taco salads, southwest chicken salads to fish tacos.
Fish tacos you say? Yes, fish tacos. Started in Baja California, they have become quite popular around the states and in my heart.
Today I want to share with you, my own fish taco recipe, adapted from several friends recipes. My good friend Sherry, who shared this recipe with me about two years ago, my friend Don, and most recently, my Swedish friends.
First off, you have to get your fish. Now you can go to the work of beer battering your own fish, it really is ideal and delicious, but Dane and I don't have a frier, which is probably a good thing really and often we are pressed for time. So my good friend Don taught me a little fish tacos secret him and his wife use. Fish sticks. Whoa, I know many of you just put the brakes on and stopped reading. If you are like me, your only experience with fish sticks was some crazy persons combination of dinosaur shapes that tasted like fish served up on your school lunch tray. But my mama has recently introduced me to the wonderful world of frozen fish sticks. There really are some quality products out there. Just remember, you get what you pay for, so don't skimp on this part. I live in the land of fish n' chip shops currently, so the next time I make fish tacos, I will just stop by a fish shop and pick up a fresh batch of battered and fried fish. Oh the beauties of living in a city on a coast.
Now the most important part of your fish tacos in the sauce. I follow the recipe above for the most part, but have made a few adaptations to tone down the spice level for Dane and I. Here is my fish tacos sauce recipe:
Fish Tacos - sounds good will have to try this. Celebrate all you wish - think of you both often - God's Blessing to you. Love Granny